Selecting the most appropriate biobanking management software for a research facility requires many observable factors ranging from size or usability to data management features. Here, you find our guide on how to choose the best option to suite your unique needs.
The rapidly expanding field of big data is currently playing a pivotal role in the development of healthcare and research sectors. See the many advantages big data can bring forth to the healthcare field if it’s organized and utilized effectively in the clinical setting,
Patient Reported Outcomes help better understand a treatment’s efficacy, therefore assisting health care providers to improve and make their services better and providing very valuable data to researchers. Learn about all the additional benefits inside.
The world of medicine has come very far, but we still have many unanswered questions and diseases without a cure. The biospecimens collected in biobanks and used in research, are constantly bringing researchers closer to substantial revelations and thus to new and improving treatment.
Patient registries improve the chances of finding revolutionary answers for many unanswered research questions. Apart from being advantageous to the patients, they possess many benefits to healthcare organizations and health professionals as well.
From the early stages of preliminary research and hypothesis construction, through the different means of collecting the data, and up to the tests and analysis done, technology is an integral part of the research process. Where would we be without it?
Setting up an effective patient registry adds remarkable value to the research setup of every health organization, therefore improveing global health. What steps should be taken to insure it’s success?
Collecting and gathering large amounts of information on patients who share a particular disease or condition have led us to revelations that bring us closer to successful treatments.
A custom software is often employed to enhance system efficiency with features that may be absent in the off-shelf version of the program. Although it may seem like the perfect solution, it comes with many obstacles and hardships.
What are the features a functional and efficient research management system should have? Learn more about the characteristics of a system that will help you streamline your day to day and improve your workflow.