What Makes a Research Management System Complete
The importance of a research management system cannot be stressed enough. The basis of this type of software is the collection, organization, and management of clinical data in a digital way. But managing a research process requires more than management and collection. Here are some extra features that a functional and efficient research management system should have.
Primarily, queries are used to find specific information in a system by filtering particular criteria. They can be extremely complex, with many different variables, ranges, terms and relationships. Therefore, it is important that your research management system’s query language is simple and can be easily employed by the staff.
Assuming you would like to use your research management system to analyze reports relating to a particular clinical study, a tool that creates data reports is essential. These reports usually contain structured data such as age, weight, test results etc. In order to produce a report of scientific value, you need to be able to filter your your data. Filtering gives you the ability to query multiple records, narrow the results by refining, and then export documents that match. Moreover, you should be able to export the report in several different types of files (Excel, SPSS, etc.) in order to facilitate further analysis.
Patient Engagement Tools
Patients are priority in the healthcare world. A healthcare institution’s main agenda is to provide immediate care to patients, monitor their condition, and supply successful treatments to a variety of ailments. Patient engagement is key in improving care and attracting more patients to the facility. Patient feedback reports help with patient retention in studies, as they get immediate value after their participation and feel more involved. ePROs (electronic Patient Reported Outcomes) are a healthcare institution’s direct way to communicate with patients and receive an evaluation of its treatments directly from the source.
Inventory – LIMS
Biobanks and sample repositories are becoming a necessity in healthcare institutions. They are an important resource in medical research, and promote collaborations between hospitals and healthcare facilities. LIMS (laboratory information management system) offer a way to record all your patient’s existing blood, urine or tissue samples and monitor their storage. They even allow you to store them in a virtual freezer and monitor when a sample was checked in or out of storage. A LIMS is usually a software that’s separate from research management systems, but it doesn’t have to be.
The purpose of any new system or software is to make work much easier and organized, which can be accessed by a user on any platform and from any corner of the world. This means that the system should be compatible with all the major platforms – computers, laptops, tablets, and phones.
The main goal of a research management system is to streamline your day to day and improve your workflow. Because it can’t replace every other software used in the healthcare industry, it is crucial for the research management system to be able to operate and integrate with these existing platforms. This integration will allow you to connect with existing data sources (such as test results from EHRs) in order to get additional information that will add value to your research, and abolish mistakes that occur when manually typing-in this data.
Data+ Research is designed and created as a research management system that offers all the features mentioned above and more. The Data+ system aims to be cost-efficient and provide a wide range of tools that would be suitable for any health based or clinical organization. With our system, you not only improve staff efficiency but also increase revenue through the efficient management of clinical data